Saturday, October 12, 2013

Now Google will your use photos in ADs

Google wants your permission to use your name, photo and product reviews in ads that it sells to businesses. The Internet search giant is changing its terms of service starting 11 November.

The company revealed changes to its Terms of Service on Friday. The most important one is that Google clarified how your profile name and photo might appear in "Google products," including display ads. Google reminded its customers that they can opt out of appearing in Google ads from its Shared Endorsements settings.

"Shared Endorsements" has been available to Google customers since 2011 as "+1 Personalization" in Google+. The name change serves to strengthen Google's unified services account that debuted when it changed its privacy policy in 2011.
Google emphasized, in bold font, in its Terms of Service changes notice that "you're in control of what you share," another step aimed at avoiding further legal entanglements.
An industry source noted that Google is not changing users' old +1 Personalization settings. So, if you've already declined to have your name, profile photo, and endorsement appear in Google ads, it will continue to respect that decision. The default setting for Shared Endorsements, however, is to use that information in display ads.

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