Friday, February 17, 2017

Tech Talks Pakistan - Mobile Reviews

Dear All Subscriber we have come up with new idea to create video reviews of available smartphones in the Pakistani 

markets their pros and cons, comprehensive details specification that can help you to decide which product is 

appropriate for you. The Most essential thing is how to distinguished between original and locally or Chinese 

refurnished products above all our reviews would be in Urdu language so larger audience can take benefit out of it we 

will try our best to remain unbiased in our reviews hope you would like our projects. We will upload our videos 

reviews on weekly basis on our channel and as well as on our Facebook page. 

Video Reviewed By Mr. Aqueel Firdausi 

Camera & Shooting equipment 

provided by Mohammad Asad Masroor.

 Tech Talks Pakistan

 Tech Talks Pakistan

Tech Talks Pakistan


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