Sunday, October 13, 2013

Time stops for no one

There was a time when strangers became friends
Silence meant trouble and darkness meant ghosts
tears meant fight with a sibling and being alone was the worst nightmare
there was a time when all I wanted was to grow up
become a teen and do fashion
now is the time when strangers smile means threat
silence means broken heart,darkness means a place to hide and break down
because no ghost is more haunting than the fear of made fun of
tears mean something normal and a part of daily life
Being alone means searching yourself lost inside
now is the time that I wish to go back in time
stop the important people from fading and be little again
stop that innocence right there and make that fire burn a little higher
Laugh hard with my friends and let the scars fade
but how do I go back now? because when we heard,we should have listened
that time stops for no one ..

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