Thursday, October 10, 2013


   Drowning in the ocean

   There was I standing on the edge of the ocean
   Locked up in such deep thoughts ,in my heart there was a sudden explosion
   Wind blew harder than before leaving me numb, my fingers that were dipped in cold water for so long became pruned
    I was there losing control let myself to drown in the ocean;
    My body struggled a bit but the waves were getting energetic and forceful than before ,
    my eyes became pale as the rain began to pour,
    I looked up at the sky that was covered with dark clouds
    storm was raging on now, I shifted my gaze towards a brilliant star that kept on twinkling
    on the dark sky it was there shining alone;
    then suddenly it started to shimmer brightly its sparkle caressing my face
    it wiped away the tears that were accumulated near my eyes
    I was utterly shocked at this wonderful sight 
    I stood up with my face gleaming with an unusual sense of delight
    it was vanished before I waved it goodbye,
    then I realized some things are sent from above to brighten up your life
    nothing will be there for you permanently even if you consider it as another part of your soul

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